in the garden

a series of tarot spreads

*The questions posed in the spread can also be used as prompts for personal exploration and free writing and do not need to be used with a Tarot deck.


a moon phases spread

a new moon spread

an earth medicine tarot spread

a cycle of change tarot spread

cycle of the year:

a winter solstice, yule, tarot spread

an imbolic, first spring, tarot spread

a spring equinox, ostara, tarot spread

a may day, beltane, tarot spread

a summer solstice, litha, tarot spread

lughnasadh/lammas tu b’av (first harvest) and the lion’s portal spread

a fall equinox, mabon, tarot spread

a Samhain/ Halloween spread


a tarot spread for Clio, the muse of history

a jewish new year spread

a tu b’shevat/4 worlds spread

the six constant mitzvot


Worts and Cunning

Oak Moon Tarot

Tarot for the Wild Soul

Evvie Marin