a new moon journey
* A New Moon is the first lunar phase and occurs when the Moon is not yet visible to the naked eye. During this invisible phase, the Sun and Earth are on opposite sides of the Moon. The Moon takes approximately 29.53 days to orbit the Earth and complete one lunar cycle. If the first new Moon […]

A New Moon is the first lunar phase and occurs when the Moon is not yet visible to the naked eye. During this invisible phase, the Sun and Earth are on opposite sides of the Moon. The Moon takes approximately 29.53 days to orbit the Earth and complete one lunar cycle. If the first new Moon falls on the 1st of the month, in our Gregorian calendar, we see a second new Moon at the end of the month – and this is informally known as a Black Moon. A Blue Moon, is when there are two full Moons in a single calendar month.
New moons are traditionally known as times to clear out old energy, plant seeds, and set intentions for what we would like to see grow.
The practice of journey is one of intentionally entering the world of active imagination (a Jungian term). It is a form of personal exploration in which we may experience words, images, and symbols that offer creative inspiration for art, poetry or literally any project we are working on.
The single most important thing to remember when journeying is to respect the place of transition, the separation marking the ordinary from the non-ordinary. For this journey that place will be marked by the GATE. Basic journey ‘hygiene’ requires going out …and coming back! Sometimes it’s just so nice we don’t want to return, like not wanting to wake from a beautiful dream. Unlike in a dream (unless you are a lucid dreamer), the beauty of journey is that you are conscious and in control throughout. You have a say in what happens, you can change course at will. Just flow with it. If at any time during the journey you are uncomfortable, you can always just return to the GATE, and enter back into your everyday world.
May this journey be a sweet empowering resource, inspiration for initiating new beginnings!
Make yourself comfortable. Breathe out! We often forget to be intentional about this release of the out breath. Now take another full long easy breath in …and as you breath out again, relax back into your normal breathing pattern. For this journey your eyes can be open or not, it’s up to you.
With the FIRE of inspiration from your Muse, take about 15 minutes for some creative note taking. Draw, paint, stitch, and/or make any notes you’d like to about your journey. As guidance you may wish to use the following prompts, adapted from the work of Robert Moss*:
1) Give your journey a title.
2) How did you feel on the journey?
3) What do you recognize from the journey in the rest of your life?
4) What action can you take to honor the journey or work with its guidance?
You can always go back inside a journey to gain more information. Besides the art you create, you might look for something to gift yourself to remind you of the GIFT you were given on your journey. As always, take what you like and leave the rest!
May all beings benefit from the journey you have taken today!
Some more Moon facts.
*More on Robert Moss’ journey/dream processing here.
How to Take a Journey, includes Steven Eisenstadt‘s method for exploring a journey.
Originally created for the 1st New Moon of 2023, January 21st for Flora Bowley’s FREE-FLO community