orthodoxies of a rebel mind and other poems
on ‘parting ways’ a black swan my dream gets hacked, I opened a bad link all the while our best lives get scribed onto future scrolls bound with the spirit texts, alt alternatives the unnecessary cruelties, remember, forget them the system floods, the banks cannot contain this river under the river, nephrologist, endocrinologist, archaeologist the diagnosis, a sodium depression pre-scribing medicinal poetry […]
on ‘parting ways’
mis-appropriated maps
layer ancestors
languages flags failures
bombs still follow missiles down the
rabbit hole of hate
hate still finds relief in beauty
rocks geologically restless
on/no common ground
leave only
holographic solutions
blessings the bullying
gratitude for the marginalizing
the blackballing
just leave
couldn’t leave
couldn’t leave well enough alone
or leave stitches uncrossed
an arrow of a cut through linen
rushing to complete the leaving
a ‘hundredth monkey’
raising the bitter beloved
onto world culture’s high altar
elevating suffering
sacrificing peacemaker
traitor other
never knowing what it
was that kept
a single heart
orthodoxies of a rebel mind
don’t apologize for your dream
the grand quiet lost just like that
to a life’s worth of symptoms as your
enneagram twin upends the applecart
recounting the joys and pleasures of
getting out of moving cars veiled in
vagueness, drugged on hospitality
the geographic kind of belonging
betrayal by explosive thighbone
a pilot prays for the doula’s discipline
the world full of poets and kings
estranged shapeshifting fathers
and earth mother technologies
raising bits of shame judgement
mirrors the wounds wanders the aisles,
the demon protector’s last line of defense
dancing fearless and lonely in the portal
concealed in the passage to the evolution
saved from the gaze of an indiscreet lens
an abandoned heart going to meet the new
starts the night waves crashing as natural
and formidable as chocolate or dashi
nitty-gritty this remembrance vivid
and precise with ancestral collisions
flayed open to an imagined protocol
a mask lifted on a lemon-yellow morning
unspooling beams through grasses
the peripheral week pouring in, floods
the afternoon golden from the west
unleashing believing, unfastening
the straight jacket required of
a world lost in its book of shadows
a black swan
my dream gets hacked, I opened a bad link
all the while our best lives get scribed onto future
scrolls bound with the spirit texts, alt alternatives
the unnecessary cruelties, remember, forget them
the system floods, the banks cannot contain this
river under the river, nephrologist, endocrinologist,
archaeologist the diagnosis, a sodium depression
pre-scribing medicinal poetry and pomegranates
a hawk takes flight off a great canyon wall
dipping into mystery, rising above a burnished
ribbon of water aflame, the binding spell manifests
magnificent re-assembles wonder in the garden
a path of shell stretches forth breathing earth
breathing stone dense with roses and pine,
a snow of clover, it’s going to be all white
…the Swan that is
pond road
Your poems a vaccine, arrive
before the mushroom powders,
and the stainless water filter,
before the nettle and the astragalus.
Crafting a spell wound diosel on
cemetery grounds, with flowers,
(not black salt), Italianate
ones, plucked from Botticellis.
for Niki
discard the starter
make a bowl of yourself
drink the blackest Lapsang Suchong
use up all the postcards
change the slant of your writing
meet the man with the head of an eagle
survey the landscape of the tarot
don’t rescue the maiden in the Tower
eat popcorn and boredom
it’s not too late, to go back to bed
proof of life
my grandchildren’s time will be
a flood of light being
a salt sea of memory
healing the mother wound
future delight materialized
by love by devotion a heritage
seeded backward toward lineage
and a grandmother who wasn’t
in the river under the river
in the 6th extinction blood and bone
giving way beneath a raft of peace
her DNA survives childless